2016-11-12 08:37:26 +08:00
Usage: networksetup -createpppoeservice <device name ie., en0> <service name> <account name> <password> [pppoe service name]
Create a PPPoE service on the specified device with the service name specified.
The "pppoe service name" is optional and may not be supported by the service provider.
Usage: networksetup -deletepppoeservice <service name>
Delete the PPPoE service.
Usage: networksetup -setpppoeaccountname <service name> <account name>
Sets the account name for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -setpppoepassword <service name> <password>
Sets the password stored in the keychain for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -connectpppoeservice <service name>
Connect the PPPoE service.
Usage: networksetup -disconnectpppoeservice <service name>
Disconnect the PPPoE service.