今天在 github 热门项目里面看到的. 大概意思就是一个分布式的私有网络, 我的理解应该跟微屁恩是差不多的功能吧, 只是看上去配置起来要简单多了. 可能也是面向类似企业环境的? 比如跨数据中心的快速登录, 传输文件等. 这周准备找个时间试试看好用不.
Meshbird enables distributed private networking across geographically dispersed datacenters. With Meshbird senders can send data directly to recipients without the need for gateways or centralized servers. Furthermore, Meshbird encrypts all traffic using industry standard encryption techniques such as AES-256. Meshbird is compatible across countries, cloud providers, and container technologies.
For example, with a single command, Meshbird can be used to create a private network connecting a Docker container in DigitalOcean's in New York data center to a laptop in a Kyrgyzstan café.
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