▶ ./vim-plugins-profile.py -n=24 Running vim to generate startup logs... done. Loading and processing logs... done. Plugin directory: /Users/yonghaohu/.vim/bundle
Top 24 plugins slowing vim's startup
1 248.985 YouCompleteMe
2 27.691 nerdtree
3 19.091 vim-preview
4 10.560 vim-colors-solarized
5 7.573 vim-easymotion
6 5.521 nerdcommenter
7 5.034 vim-airline
8 4.888 vim-fugitive
9 4.500 python-mode
10 3.473 vim-textobj-indent
11 3.316 tabular
12 3.240 vim-signature
13 3.172 emmet-vim
14 1.344 undotree
15 1.249 vim-rails
16 1.238 ctrlp.vim
17 1.160 vim-abolish
18 1.125 vim-indent-guides
19 1.092 tagbar
20 1.025 vim-airline-themes
21 0.997 vim-textobj-user
22 0.961 rainbow
23 0.864 vim-nerdtree-tabs
24 0.765 wildfire.vim
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