Electrolysis = e10s,难道不是 eeeeeeeeees??跟着百科补充了一下知识
https://wiki.mozilla.org/ElectrolysisElectrolysis functionality hosts, renders, or executes web related content in background child processes which communicate with the "parent" Firefox browser via various ipdl protocols. The two major advantages of this model are security and performance.
Electrolysis child processes are currently in use for the following tasks within Firefox:
* Legacy NPAPI plugin hosting
* Media playback ('Gecko Media Plugin', a.k.a. 'GMP')
* Web content ('content processes')
* [Fx53] GPU Process (Windows Only)
* [Fx54] file://URL access process
* [Fx55] Web Extensions
* [Fx55, Fx56] ServiceWorker and in the future SharedWorker threads
好像很有用,类似 ChromeAPI 的样子
https://wiki.mozilla.org/E10s/Status/June2e10s Update: June 2
Executive Summary
* Green means GO! For e10s-multi Firefox 54 Beta 1 with 4 content processes.
Currently 30% of the 54 Beta population has e10s-Multi enabled as compared to 26% the last week. After four weeks on beta, we have no major issues which would prevent us from shipping release criteria.
* As of Firefox Release 53 (Mid May) 55% of the total release population have Single-Process e10s (as compared to 52.82 in Firefox 42 in early April). Single process e10s is active for non add-on users, and add-on that are web extensions or SDK add-ons actively marked compatible by the author.