今天早上发现服务器不能登录了,提交工单然后看反馈,发现是违反一个Acceptable Usage Policy,反馈的原文如下:
Your service has been suspended for breaking the "Acceptable Usage Policy" of our terms of service, which commonly includes abnormally high usage levels that stress the server.
Our terms can be found at: http://virmach.com/terms-conditions/
Please reply to this ticket with the following information so we can handle your abuse report and see if it's possible to restore your service. In most cases, there will be a $15 administration fee, per our terms of service, for suspensions, due to the amount of time it takes us to locate and handle abuse. Otherwise, your service will remain suspended indefinitely and may be terminated and your account closed.
看到$15 的费用更是怂,看到 AUP 里面的讲解。单位时间内 CPU 负载不能超过一定值。比如 5 分钟不能超过 95%~100%,2 小时内不能 50%。
注意看这里 https://virmach.com/terms-conditions/#tab1
问了同事,也有这样的情况非 KVM 的,单个 CPU 负载过高可能影响其他人的服务器,看来自己无奈了。
一台机器一年 50 刀不到,如果要付费 15 刀··真想放弃了,求推荐好用低价的 VPS。
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