Jade只是Template Engines之一.
Template Engines
Template engines that are Express compliant out of the box.
Jade -- Haml inspired template engine
Haml.js -- Haml implementation
EJS -- Embedded JavaScript template engine
hbs -- adapter for Handlebars.js, an extension of Mustache.js template engine
hulk-hogan -- adapter for Twitter's Hogan.js (Mustache syntax), with support for Partials
combyne.js -- A template engine that hopefully works the way you'd expect.
swig -- fast, Django-like template engine
whiskers -- small, fast, mustachioed
Blade -- HTML Template Compiler, inspired by Jade & Haml
Haml-Coffee -- Haml templates where you can write inline CoffeeScript.
Webfiller -- plain-html5 dual-side rendering, self-configuring routes, organized source tree, 100% js.