Parallels Desktop 虚拟机占用过大空间的问题

2018-10-10 16:23:32 +08:00
从虚拟机中查看,C 盘已用空间几十 G,在 mac 中查看,.pvm 占用几百 G
右键显示包内容, .hdd 很大。hdd 再右键显示包内容,里面有多个.hds

In Mac OS X, go to Applications -> Utilities and launch Terminal.
Paste the command below into Terminal as is (do not hit Enter yet):
prl_disk_tool merge --hdd
Find your virtual machine in Finder. Right click on the .pvm file of your virtual machine and choose Show Package Contents.
Drag your WindowsXXX.hdd file into Terminal and drop it. In Terminal you will see something like this:
prl_disk_tool merge --hdd /Users/Username/Documents/Parallels/Windows\ 7.pvm/Windows\ 7-0.hdd
Please note there should be a space between --hdd and /Users/Username...
Press Enter key to start merging Snapshots. Once this is done restart Virtual machine and check if the issue still persisting.
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