realpg Backblaze 发明的 4U45 盘位可垂直热插拔机箱。
newghost 西数 Easystore 8TB 红盘 170 刀了解一下,自用的机器何必还要专挑贵的买。
mchong ZFS 的每 TB 配 1GB 属于非常基础的 ZFS 误解,建议再了解一下其内存需求。
A system with 1 GB of RAM would not have much trouble with a pool that contains 1 exabyte of storage, much less a petabyte or a terabyte. The data is stored on disk, not in RAM with the exception of cache. That just keeps an extra copy around and is evicted as needed.
The only time when more RAM might be needed is when you are turn on data deduplication. That causes 3 disk seeks for each DDT miss when writing to disk and tends to slow things down unless there is enough cache for the DDT to avoid extra disk seeks. The system will still work without more RAM. It is just that the deduplication code will slow down writes when enabled. That 1GB of RAM per 1TB data stored "rule" is nonsense though. The number is a function of multiple variables, not a constant.
https://www.supermicro.com/products/nfo/storage.cfm 。
不过存储服务器这种东西,就算是 DIY 品牌的话,一样用的企业级配件啊。就说上面提的 45 Drives 的标准版配置,CPU 是至强,主板是蓝猫,硬盘连接用的是 LSI 的 HBA,电源是双路冗余电源,有哪点是比不上品牌盘柜的。更何况这套箱子本来就是 Backblaze 自己设计的,企业设计并自用的硬件,你说算不算企业级。BB 家自己已经存了几百 PB 的数据了,我觉得还是有说服力的。