@clowwindy 分得一手好文,建议大家没事多用用DuckDuckGo,个人觉得这篇分析更好,卫报的 http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/dec/03/telecoms-unitednations 感觉美英媒体对这件事报道态度差异很大 @meta @iwege @too On the other side of the argument, mobile operators represented at WCIT by the European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association (ETNO) argue that developing countries have to establish and fund broadband networks that then enable western internet companies to reach new markets at no expense to themselves - in effect free riding on the infrastructure which costs money to install and run. -Guardian.co.uk 两边都做得一手好死 Speaking ahead of WCIT, ITU secretary general Dr Hamadoun Touré said: "It is important to remember that when you talk of internet freedom, most people in the world cannot even access the internet. The internet is the rich world's privilege and ITU wants to change that.