Koma 這一段的英文版是這樣的:
H. Other Use Restrictions. The grants set forth in this License do not permit you to, and you agree not to, install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-branded computer, or to enable others to do so. Except as otherwise permitted by the terms of this License or otherwise licensed by Apple: (i) only one user may use the Apple Software at a time, and (ii) you may not make the Apple Software available over a network where it could be run or used by multiple computers at the same time. You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute or sublicense the Apple Software.
與中文版不同, 它限制的是"the Apple Software", 而不是一切Apple軟件.
如果"the Apple Software"指的是"Install OS X"這個軟件, 對黑蘋果就沒有影響了. 在黑蘋果上安裝OS X不需要運行那個軟件.