大家好! camera.h:
#ifndef CAMERA_H
#define CAMERA_H
#include "myslam/common_include.h"
#include <myslam/config.h>
namespace myslam
class Camera
typedef std::shared_ptr<Camera> Ptr;
float fx, fy, cx, cy, depth_scale;
Camera(float fx_, float fy_, float cx_, float cy_, float depth_scale_ = 0);
Vector3d world2camera(const Vector3d &p_w, const SE3 &Tcw);
Vector3d camera2world(const Vector3d &p_c, const SE3 &Tcw);
Vector2d camera2pixel(const Vector3d &p_c);
Vector3d pixel2camera(const Vector2d &p_p, double depth = 1);
Vector3d pixel2world(const Vector2d &p_p, const SE3 &Tcw, double depth = 1);
Vector2d world2pixel(const Vector3d &p_w, const SE3 &Tcw);
Camera::Camera(float fx_, float fy_, float cx_, float cy_, float depth_scale_)
: fx(fx_), fy(fy_), cx(cx_), cy(cy_), depth_scale(depth_scale_) {}
fx = Config::get<float>("camera.fx");
fy = Config::get<float>("camera.fy");
cx = Config::get<float>("camera.cx");
cy = Config::get<float>("camera.cy");
depth_scale = Config::get<float>("camera.depth_scale");
} // namespace myslam
#endif // !CAMERA_H
#include <myslam/camera.h>
namespace myslam
Vector3d Camera::world2camera(const Vector3d &p_w, const SE3 &Tcw)
//Tcw 是李群
return Tcw * p_w;
Vector3d Camera::camera2world(const Vector3d &p_c, const SE3 &Tcw)
return Tcw.inverse() * p_c;
Vector2d Camera::camera2pixel(const Vector3d &p_c)
return Vector2d(fx * p_c(0) / p_c(2) + cx, fy * p_c(1) / p_c(2) + cy);
Vector3d Camera::pixel2camera(const Vector2d &p_p, double depth)
return Vector3d((p_p(0) - cx) * depth / fx, (p_p(1) - cy) * depth / fy, depth);
Vector3d Camera::pixel2world(const Vector2d &p_p, const SE3 &Tcw, double depth)
return camera2world(pixel2camera(p_p, depth), Tcw);
Vector2d Camera::world2pixel(const Vector3d &p_w, const SE3 &Tcw)
return camera2pixel(world2camera(p_w, Tcw));
} // namespace myslam
[build] CMakeFiles/myslam.dir/map.cpp.o: In function `myslam::Camera::Camera(float, float, float, float, float)':
[build] /home/bob/CLionProjects/slam14/project/0.1/include/myslam/camera.h:29: multiple definition of `myslam::Camera::Camera(float, float, float, float, float)'
[build] CMakeFiles/myslam.dir/frame.cpp.o:/home/bob/CLionProjects/slam14/project/0.1/include/myslam/camera.h:29: first defined here
[build] CMakeFiles/myslam.dir/map.cpp.o: In function `myslam::Camera::Camera(float, float, float, float, float)':
只要我把这两个 Camera 的构造函数放到 camera.cpp 里定义就不会报错. 现在百思不得其解,求教.
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