morethansean 请问你开发的什么 app ?
以下摘自[chrome 开发文档](
https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/android/intents),明确说了 chrom25+以后不支持 url scheme
> A little known feature in Android lets you launch apps directly from a web page via an Android Intent. One scenario is launching an app when the user lands on a page, which you can achieve by embedding an iframe in the page with a custom URI-scheme set as the src, as follows: <iframe src="paulsawesomeapp://page1"> </iframe>. This works in the Chrome for Android browser, version 18 and earlier. It also works in the Android browser, of course.
> The functionality has changed slightly in Chrome for Android, versions 25 and later. It is no longer possible to launch an Android app by setting an iframe's src attribute. For example, navigating an iframe to a URI with a custom scheme such as paulsawesomeapp:// will not work even if the user has the appropriate app installed. Instead, you should implement a user gesture to launch the app via a custom scheme, or use the “ intent:” syntax described in this article.