Web Bluetooth API 支持经典蓝牙(EDR/BR)技术吗?

2019-08-02 11:09:03 +08:00
FreeWong  FreeWong

如果 Web Bluetooth 仅支持 LE 的话,那是不是也要考虑限制每包长度等于小于 20 字节的问题 多谢。。。

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2020-01-04 23:54:49 +08:00

A device acting in either the Peripheral or Central role can host a GATT Server, which exposes a hierarchy of Services, Characteristics, and Descriptors. See § 5.1 GATT Information Model for more details about this hierarchy. Despite being designed to support BLE transport, the GATT protocol can also run over BR/EDR transport.

The first version of this specification allows web pages, running on a UA in the Central role, to connect to GATT Servers over either a BR/EDR or LE connection. While this specification cites the [BLUETOOTH42] specification, it intends to also support communication among devices that only implement Bluetooth 4.0 or 4.1.

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