Additional features require additional RAM, and large amounts of storage require more RAM for cache. An old, somewhat overstated guideline is 1 GiB of RAM per terabyte of disk capacity.
freenas 就是这样..没预算可以用其他的
2020-03-05 17:21:56 +08:00
@zhady009 #6 我有看过这一段话。实测,个人用 NAS 真不需要达到他这个水准,最多只是性能有些降级,但实际使用效果仍可接受。楼主还是可以测试下是否符合自己的需求。 Memory As a bare minimum, the total system memory should be at least one gigabyte. The amount of recommended RAM depends upon the size of the pool and which ZFS features are used. A general rule of thumb is 1 GB of RAM for every 1 TB of storage. If the deduplication feature is used, a general rule of thumb is 5 GB of RAM per TB of storage to be deduplicated. While some users successfully use ZFS with less RAM, systems under heavy load may panic due to memory exhaustion. Further tuning may be required for systems with less than the recommended RAM requirements.