(下面官方介绍) 外卖超人总部位于柏林,在最初的2年时间中,得到了包括Ru-Net,Kite Ventures, Tengelmann Ventures, Holtzbrinck Ventures, Point NineCapital, Team Europe等在内的数家知名投资方的支持,获得了超过1亿美金的资金来拓展全球市场。为拓展中国市场,外卖超人于2012年8月在上海设立中国办公室。外卖超人中国为双语订餐网站,主要定位于为公司白领及外籍人士提供优质在线外卖订餐服务。 现公司业务发展迅速,求python牛人和 Android/ios 工程师加入我们!
Python Developer Job Description: You will be part of a small development team in the early to mid stages of a well-funded Shanghai startup. You'll architect and implement solutions to problems in a complex inherited codebase as well as new features. You'll have the opportunity to work on upcoming iOS and Android app projects as well. As your ability to manage projects is demonstrated, you will be greater autonomy and responsibilities. We offer a friendly and comfortable work environment in Jingan. If you demonstrate the ability to work with the team and complete projects in a timely manner without oversight, you can also expect flexible hours and a portion of your time spent working from home.
Job Requirements: 1. 5 years or more Python development, or familiarity with Python and 5+ years experience in another procedural language. 2. 5 years or more experience with HTML / CSS / Javascript. Candidates with significant experience writing cross-browser functionality will have first consideration. 3. 5 years or more experience administering and developing on Linux (ideally Ubuntu). 4. Familiarity and experience with Database design and management (ideally PostgreSQL). 5. Comfortable with SQL and thorough understanding of transactions. 6. Demonstrable familiarity with Django and using Django's model framework. 7. Automated testing experience. 8. Documentation experience, both descriptive and diagrammatic. 9. Good oral and written English. 10. Moderate Chinese skills and interest in furthering Chinese language skills (for non-native Mandarin Candidates.