ITIL 方法论现在用的还多吗

2020-11-15 21:22:09 +08:00
pythonee  pythonee
是不是在服务或运维领域的主要指导方法论,现在在做一个 Service Delivery Management 类的系统,感觉遇到了瓶颈,觉得需要找到一个方法论来指导系统建设。
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2020-11-15 21:26:54 +08:00
2020-11-15 21:53:01 +08:00
前几天看过的一个 report 刚好讲了这个

Historically, many infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams regarded ITIL as the single source of advice for managing their IT production operations. However, since the last update of ITIL in 2011, much has changed in IT, especially with the rise of agile approaches, bimodal IT and the dominance of digital business as the engine of most enterprises' growth.

While these are rarely in conflict with established frameworks such as ITIL, following ITIL advice will not lead I&O teams to Mode 2 capability. To do this requires reference to other sources of advice, including practitioners in the DevOps movement, the Agile Manifesto, agile development methodologies and further guidance from traditional quality texts on lean, Lean Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraints.

历史上,许多 I&O 团队将 ITIL 视为管理其 IT 生产业务的唯一建议来源。然而,自 2011 年 ITIL 最后一次更新以来,IT 领域发生了很多变化,尤其是随着敏捷方法、双模 IT 的兴起,以及数字业务作为大多数企业发展引擎的主导地位,IT 领域发生了很多变化。

这些能力很少与 ITIL 等既定框架发生冲突,但遵循 ITIL 的建议并不能使 I&O 团队达到需要的能力。要做到这一点,需要参考其他来源的建议,包括 DevOps 运动中的从业者、敏捷宣言、敏捷开发方法和来自传统质量文本的进一步指导,如精益、精益六西格玛和约束理论。

——Avoid These 10 Common Failings for Successful ITSM Projects
2020-11-15 23:55:49 +08:00
@xd314697475 感谢指导,我也发现现在提出很多其他的方法或思想,但是似乎这块没有刷新或填补

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