Docker Developer Preview 即将支持 M1 芯片

2020-12-11 06:10:49 +08:00
 Procumbens 来自 GitHub Docker roadmap issue 一小时前的更新:

Hi Everyone!

I promised to keep you up to date on progress; If you were at today's community all-hands you may already know (for those that weren't; here's the recording:

❗Spoiler alert ❗

Good news! The team has made significant progress, and we will be sending out preview builds of Docker Desktop for Apple Silicon very soon 🎉. We will be using the Developer Preview Program to send out preview builds. If you are interested in giving these builds a spin, you can learn more about the Developer Preview Program (and find a link to register) in this blog post:

Take in mind; these are still preview builds (some parts are not yet working, and we're working with 🍎 to get some bugs fixed (we discovered some bugs resulting in a kernel panic), os (to quote my college Dave); "Expect it to be a bit rough around the edges, after all it’s a dev preview!"

(more details about what works, doesn't work, and "rough edges" will be provided when we send out the previews 😅 )

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所在节点    macOS
4 条回复
2020-12-11 07:17:48 +08:00
2020-12-11 16:22:17 +08:00
2020-12-11 23:26:30 +08:00
今天 intelliJ idea 也是 适配,好消息
2020-12-13 09:36:54 +08:00
终于,docker 适配之后,可以应付大部分开发情况了

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