Decent designer is looking for a dedicated developer to team up to do professional consultation business and lean product development (37signals mode). The ideal candidate has to be good in his profession, absurd in learning new technologies, has a wide skill set. In the meantime, he enjoys life, fitting to a flexible work style, being open minded and willing to take responsibilities. If you are the person, don’t hesitated to drop me a line and I would love to talk and I believe we can do great things together and have a lot of fun.
Required skills:
Proficient in at least one back-end language (php, ruby, python), know the principles of OOP and be familiar with mainstream frameworks.
Proficient in html/css/Javascript/Ajax and be familiar with the latest client side implementation.
Experienced with CMS(wordpress) development that can transfer design into semantic codes and functional website.
Last but not least, interested in learning design and interactive technologist (like I do for coding) to make killer user experience for client-based projects and self hosted projects.
喜欢自由追求精益而非无尽的加班为工作而工作,真正的想把兴趣做成一份事业的人请来找我,因为初期做的可能大多数是国外业务(web design/development)外加一些挑选的本土的优质项目。不过我还是希望未来做一些新产品的尝试这个另说了。做得好的话薪资应该在20k~30k/month 可能刚起步少一点 我的情况是去年国外硕士肄业回国跟随创业一年 现在是辞了高薪出来自由职业,(为什么辞了,因为除了超负荷工作与无限画饼之外我还可以活得更潇洒些,没准更精彩)我base在上海 希望能找到个合适的有天赋的长期的tech co-founder.
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.