1.如果 brew info 显示有已打包好的 bottle 的就肯定是支持 arm /Intel 系统架构的吗? 像下面这个软件 没有显示 arm 的信息。如何判断?$brew info telnet telnet: stable 63 (bottled) User interface to the TELNET protocol https://opensource.apple.com/ Conflicts with: inetutils (because both install 'telnet' binaries) Not installed From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/HEAD/Formula/telnet.rb License: BSD-4-Clause-UC and APSL-1.0 ==> Requirements Build: Xcode ✘ Required: macOS ✔
对 unBottled 的包如何判断他是否支持 arm?
另外比如像下面这个 GitHub 上的软件如何判断他是否支持 Arm? github.com/paradiseduo/tcping
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