
2013-09-29 12:09:39 +08:00
之前参加了Mozilla推出Phone for Apps活动,据说有机会获得由 Mozilla 提供的 Keon 开发者预览版手机。然后就去试试。

前几天收到mozilla的邮件,说我已经通过审核,很快给我寄一部FireFox OS的Geeks phone。然后去填了信息表,说会有货运公司给配送,有已经拿到的童鞋么?


Dear Firefox OS App Porter,

Congratulations. We’ve reviewed and accepted your Firefox OS app porting proposal and we’d like to invite you to participate in the Firefox OS Phones for App Ports program.

In joining this program, you make a commitment to port your HTML5 app to Firefox OS and submit it to Firefox Marketplace within 31 days of receiving your phone.

As we prepare for the next wave of Firefox OS consumer launches, there is a unique opportunity for skilled developers like you, from all corners of the world, to secure a position for your quality app in Firefox Marketplace, by porting useful and engaging experiences for Firefox OS end-users.

We would like to send you a Geeksphone Keon Firefox OS Developer Preview phone so you can test and optimize your app, and submit it to Firefox Marketplace (https://marketplace.firefox.com/developers/). Remember, this device is not designed for end users - and it is not identical to the phones that will be for sale in our upcoming launch locales. It’s a tool for experienced app developers like you.
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