惊闻泉州已部署域名白名单,看到有人买域名买服务器来测试,其实用不着,还有人拿墙内的 IP 来测试,方法就错了
分享下使用 curl 和 openssl 进行简单测试的命令
随便找一个没有被墙境外 IP ,需要开着 https 服务,比如任意 cloudflare 的 IP ,此处使用 。任意编造一个白名单外的域名,比如 abc123.com
openssl s_client -connect -servername abc123.com
如果没有 SNI 阻断的话,返回结果如下:
140693079176320:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:../ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1544:SSL alert number 40
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 7 bytes and written 302 bytes
Verification: OK
如果被 SNI 阻断的话,返回结果如下(本人所处地方没有白名单,所以使用黑名单里的域名测试,twitter.com ):
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 303 bytes
Verification: OK
对比分析可以看到区别,被 SNI 阻断的域名不会收到任何服务器的回应,SSL handshake has read 0 bytes
curl --resolve abc123.com:443: https://abc123.com -iv
如果没有 SNI 阻断的话,返回信息如下:
curl --resolve abc123.com:443: https://abc123.com -iv
* Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x55d868a5dfb0)
* Added abc123.com:443: to DNS cache
* Hostname abc123.com was found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x55d868a5dfb0)
* Connected to abc123.com ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: none
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS alert, handshake failure (552):
* error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure
* Closing connection 0
curl: (35) error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure
如果被 SNI 阻断的话,返回信息如下:
curl --resolve twitter.com:443: https://twitter.com -iv
* Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x55dea6262fb0)
* Added twitter.com:443: to DNS cache
* Hostname twitter.com was found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x55dea6262fb0)
* Connected to twitter.com ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: none
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to twitter.com:443
* Closing connection 0
curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to twitter.com:443
对比分析可以看到区别,被 SNI 阻断的域名,同样收不到任何服务器的回应,正常的域名会有"TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS alert, handshake failure (552)"
测试时需要注意的是,被 SNI 阻断后,测试的 IP 也会被 IP 阻断一段时间,可以换一个 IP 继续测试
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