发现 jetbrains 出了个自动化 ide 「Aqua」

2022-11-05 10:11:20 +08:00

Aqua is a powerful test automation IDE that provides support for JVM , Python , and JavaScript test automation frameworks .

Aqua brings an embedded Web Inspector with CSS and XPath locators , smart syntax highlighting , navigation , and code completion for CSS selectors and XPath . It helps you develop all kinds of automated tests with the most popular frameworks and perform advanced code - based HTTP requests . Aqua works with multiple database types , allowing engineers to configure a comprehensive work environment in a single place .

Supported languages and technologies

Kotlin , Java , Python , the JVM , Selenium , Cypress ( coming soon ) , JUnit , TestNG , pytest , OpenAPI ( Swagger ) , an HTTP client for APIs

3142 次点击
所在节点    macOS
3 条回复
2022-11-05 10:50:34 +08:00
看了下官网,就是一系列工具的整合,例如 IDEA 里的 database ,scratches ,增加一个 UI TEST ,不知道 IDEA 里有没有,没用过
2022-11-05 11:32:22 +08:00
2022-11-06 18:24:56 +08:00

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