root@jy:~# macchina
a8888b. Host - root@jy
d888888b. Machine - Default string000
8P"YP"Y88 Kernel - 6.1.13-x64v2-xanmod1
8|o||o|88 Distro - Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
8' .88 Packages - 485 (dpkg)
8`._.' Y8. Terminal - sshd
d/ `8b. Shell - bash
dP Y8b. Uptime - 12m
d8: ::88b. CPU - Intel® Celeron® CPU J3355 @ 2.00GHz (2)
d8" 'Y88b CPU Load - 0%
:8P :888 Memory - 173.9 MB/3.8 GB
8a. _a88P
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2.5w ~ 8w
旁路由,软路由,linux 小主机
280 包邮,定义为二手,垃圾成色
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