这些年踩过一些坑后,SSD 就只认 SAMSUNG 了,一直从 970 EVO Plus 用到 990 Pro 共计买了 8 块 2T 的,最近公司装一批机,商家推荐用 PM9A1 替代 980 Pro ,查了一下 1T 的价格的确有 150+ 的差别,但是商家特别强调不兼容 Mac 系统,虽然装机都是 Windows 平台,但是公司移动硬盘有 Mac 需求!比较好奇的是硬盘不是通用产品吗?怎么还不兼容 Mac 系统了?特别标明不兼容 Mac 系统是不是代表这个型号或者这个商家卖的这款硬盘有问题?求解
The other big issue surrounds all Samsung NVMe drives, specifically that they're known to slow down macOS, not play well with TRIM and even create instability at times. This is due to the Phoenix controller found on Samsung drives that macOS isn't too fond of, much preferring the Phison controller found in Sabrent Rocket drives and Western Digital's in-house controllers(WD SN750). -----https://dortania.github.io/Anti-Hackintosh-Buyers-Guide/Storage.html