我是使用了一个 webdav 程序,把我电脑 A 的某个文件夹 F 暴露挂载成了 webdav ,然后使用 http 方式,在另一台电脑 B 通过公网 IP 来访问
昨天 F 文件夹里面里面突然出现下列文件夹:
打开之后,里面没发现有什么恶意程序,但是有很多网页,jsp 或者 php ,用文本编辑器打开里面就显示 CVExxx
里面有个文件叫 nuclei.html.gif ,我去 github 搜索,发现是一个 projectdiscovery 的 repo 里面的代码
Community curated list of templates for the nuclei engine to find security vulnerabilities.
Nuclei is a fast, efficient, and extensible vulnerability scanner. It can scan thousands of hosts in just a few minutes. The nuclei engine uses text-file templates to define the steps required to detect a vulnerability.
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.