2023-06-04 17:23:49 +08:00
Is Shottr free?
Shottr can be used for free for as long as you want. All advertised features are available to free users; the only caveat is that the app will ask you to consider buying it every once in a while. Shottr generally provides a better overall experience in the activated version, and I plan to add more features and raise its price in the future. If you were using Shottr before it introduced paid tiers, upgrade with a 50% discount using the coupon code "FIRSTWEEK50" (limited time offer).
Shottr 是免费使用的,您可以随意使用。所有宣传的功能都可供免费用户使用; 唯一的限制是该应用程序会不时地要求您考虑购买。激活版本通常提供更好的整体体验,我计划在未来添加更多功能并提高其价格。如果您在 Shottr 推出付费层之前使用过它,请使用优惠券代码“FIRSTWEEK50”进行 50%的折扣升级(限时优惠)。