邮件里这样说 That means that if you invite 10 people who sign up for Droplr, you’ll earn Droplr for free for life!
2014-01-09 09:53:22 +08:00
@jinghli @xi4oh4o @Tink 邮件里说的是老用户在7天内转为付费用户为30%off;另外邀请是需要被邀请方付费的。After someone accepts your invite and begins a paid subscription, you'll both receive a 10% discount on your Droplr subscription!
2014-01-09 10:24:56 +08:00
Your current Pro plan and price will be grandfathered in to the new unlimited plans. As long as you stay current with your plan, you’ll have your current price for life. 邮件里这样说的,意味着我可以一直以原价格续费下去了,也不错。