有个二维矩阵 513 * 513 ,取值只有 0 或 1 ,根据值绘图,0 白色 1 黑色。
func findConnectedRegion(matrix: [[Int]]) -> [[(Int, Int)]] {
var result: [[(Int, Int)]] = []
// var visited: Set<(Int, Int)> = []
var visited: Set<String> = []
let numRows = matrix.count
let numCols = matrix[0].count
for i in 0..<matrix.count {
for j in 0..<matrix[0].count {
let position = (i, j)
let str = String(i)+"-"+String(j)
if matrix[i][j] == 1 && !visited.contains(str) {
var region: [(Int, Int)] = []
dfs(matrix: matrix, rows: numRows,cols: numCols,position: position, visited: visited, region: ®ion)
return result
func dfs(matrix: [[Int]],rows:Int,cols:Int,position: (Int, Int), visited: Set<String>, region: inout [(Int, Int)]) {
// let numRows = matrix.count
// let numCols = matrix[0].count
let numRows = rows
let numCols = cols
let (row, col) = position
self.str = String(position.0)+"-"+String(position.1)
// Check if the current position is within bounds and is part of the region
guard row >= 0, row < numRows, col >= 0, col < numCols, matrix[row][col] == 1, !visited.contains(str) else {
// Explore neighbors in all four directions
dfs(matrix: matrix,rows: numRows,cols: numCols, position: (row - 1, col), visited: visited, region: ®ion) // Up
dfs(matrix: matrix, rows: numRows,cols: numCols,position: (row + 1, col), visited: visited, region: ®ion) // Down
dfs(matrix: matrix, rows: numRows,cols: numCols,position: (row, col - 1), visited: visited, region: ®ion) // Left
dfs(matrix: matrix, rows: numRows,cols: numCols,position: (row, col + 1), visited: visited, region: ®ion) // Right
好几处局部变量改成了属性,但还是不同位置报相同的错:Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16b6a7fc0)
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