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请问有 Rust 开发大佬想看看远程机会嘛?

  •   heyao114 · 293 天前 · 1545 次点击
    这是一个创建于 293 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    客户团队在招聘合适的 Rust 开发工程师,成为团队后端方向的带头人

    海外 OG 团队,赛道头部项目,一线基金投资,快速发展期

    关注对 rust 的掌握程度,最好有 web3 工作经验,团队在海外支持全程远程办公,对工作语言要求不高,中文交流+英文书面阅读即可

    📖 面试流程:两轮远程面试,CTO+CEO 💰 薪资:5000U/月

    ** ✅ 联系我 vx:Yi_aoyao


    Job Title: Senior Backend Engineer in We.Rich

    Job Description: We are on a mission to raise the level of global asset freedom by providing secure and easy-to-use UGA(user generated asset) platform. Our cause is driven by exceptional individuals who are eager to build the future of UGA in Web3. Our team consists of tenacious overachievers, tasked with leading and realizing the promises of UGA for the future.

    We deeply value the culture of trust, open feedback, and self-disruption. We encourage our staff members to commit to a mission-oriented approach to work. We also attract individuals who are enthusiastic about learning and advancing within the crypto space, thriving in the intense moments of our sprint and recharge work culture. So, if you ready to #LiveCrypto and #WeRich, keep reading!

    As the first ever Senior Backend Engineer in We.Rich, you will be the founding member of our backend team. Our vision is to make our company the most enjoyable workspace across the globe, for developers to quickly build and deliver high-quality products.

    In this role:

    • You will lead the development of efficient testing solutions, measure its effectiveness and adoption, actively listen to customer feedback, and iteratively improve these solutions.
    • You will collaborate with engineers, product managers, and leadership to understand testing pain points and develop strategies that include detailed roadmaps.
    • You will act as a key technical voice within the team, driving careful architectural decisions and cultivating a culture of high-quality code and engineering processes.
    • You will ensure the team's processes and services meet the SLA adherence.
    • You will mentor and cooperate with other team members to deliver top-notch solutions.

    What We Seek:

    • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in Software Engineering.
    • Passion for high-quality code and effective software engineering processes with a focus on execution and delivery.
    • Deep customer empathy for the developers, our primary stakeholders.
    • Strong verbal and written communication skills, ability to articulate the vision and influence stakeholders across the company.
    • Proven experience completing large initiatives, making a company-wide impact.
    • Capability to navigate through ambiguity and deliver results.

    Preferred Qualifications:

    • Prior experience in Developer Experience/Productivity, Platform, or similar domain team.
    • Experience in a fast-paced, high-growth stage internet/software company.
    • Proficient in backend technologies including Rust, Python, GoLang.
    • Expertise in PostgreSQL database management and Redis caching system.
    • Solid understanding and experience in Linux Operations.
    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering or a related field.
    • Experience carrying out an entire project lifecycle, from development to production.
    • Excellent problem-solving abilities and attention to detail.
    • Highly analytical mind and a passion for creating innovative solutions.
    • Fluency in both Chinese (native) and English for work.

    We eagerly welcome individuals who are positive and continues learners, able to adapt and navigate through the ever-evolving crypto industry. If you have a "can do" attitude and thrive on being part of a winning team, this might be the opportunity for you. Seize the opportunity to make a significant impact in the crypto industry, join our team today.


    1 条回复    2024-05-29 22:19:00 +08:00
       285 天前
    Senior+Leader 才 5000U 啊?
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