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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[Remote]Back-end Engineer

  •   FreeCodeWu · 146 天前 · 2716 次点击
    这是一个创建于 146 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Apus Network ( https://www.apus.network) is trustless GPU network is designed for secure, efficient, and scalable AI inference, provides necessary computing power for AI. Our team is comprised of serial entrepreneurs and investors, and former employees of Microsoft, Alibaba, and Didi.

    Job Responsibilities

    • Develop and optimize smart contracts on Solana/Arweave;
    • Participate in Dapp architecture design and construction, ensuring system performance, scalability, and security;
    • Implement high-performance backend services, design systems as per requirements, and deliver on schedule;
    • Manage code repositories, carry out CI/CD, and maintain technical documentations;
    • Proactively stay abreast of the latest technologies in blockchain and AI, assess and integrate valuable new tools or frameworks;

    Skills Required

    • Proficiency in Rust with relevant project experience;
    • Deep understanding of JavaScript, capable of effective on-chain interactions in a blockchain environment;
    • Knowledge of Python and basic understanding of AI/machine learning is preferred;
    • Familiarity with blockchain technologies, with practical experience in building dapps;
    • Experience in developing Web backend applications with Go or other languages is a plus;
    • Prior Tech Leader experience is a plus; experience working across time zones is a plus;
    • Ability to quickly learn new technologies and an open attitude towards emerging technologies;

    Personal Qualities

    • Deep interest in DePIN and AI-related technologies and belief in their growth potential;
    • Excellent independent working and problem-solving abilities, curiosity, and self-motivation;
    • Strong communication skills, able to effectively share technical insights and ideas within the team;
    • Good stress resistance, able to cope with a rapidly changing external environment;
    • Fluent in English, able to engage in international technical communications;
    • Over 3 years of work experience, with preference given to candidates with experience at major companies and graduates from renowned universities.

    Working Mode

    • Fully remote work;
    • Join a rapidly expanding international team;
    • Help shape the future of the DePIN + AI field.

    How to Apply

    Want to join our mission to help shape the future of the DePIN + AI field?

    ** jason#apus.network ** is an email address, replace # with @.

    • Include the role's title in your subject line.
    • Please send along links that best showcase the relevant things you've built and done.
    4 条回复    2024-06-07 07:13:39 +08:00
       146 天前
    Urgent 🔥🔥🔥!!!
       145 天前
    how much
       145 天前   ❤️ 1
    no price no urgent
       137 天前
    rust js go python 全都要求 这个岗位要干多少活我都不敢想
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