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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[长沙-外企] 招聘 Senior .Net 工程师

  •   matcloud · 22 天前 · 1465 次点击

    这是新开出来的 Senior .Net 职位。JD 如下:

    EveryMatrix is bringing new opportunities for experienced .NET developers. Have you ever dreamed to code planetary-scale solutions? The project is the heart of one of our best-selling products, a global player and wallet management solution. Our latest additions will be team-oriented and creative developers with fantastic coding skills and a strong work ethic. Successful candidates will immerse themselves in the company business while constantly improving their skills with our help and support. The successful candidate will work in fast-paced, tight deadlines, highly rewarding Agile environment. EveryMatrix encourages the development of its employees through knowledge transfer, certifications, and training. It is a great opportunity to work in a tech-driven company, full of interesting and challenging projects, in a relaxed and friendly environment.


    • Hands-on development and integration of the evolving business functionality on the core part of the platform with other office locations;
    • Understanding business requirements and their mapping to the given software framework;
    • Adhering to the Agile methodology and design principles of the project;
    • Working in a test-driven, microservices environment;
    • Participating in the design and implementation of the new architecture of the next-generation BonusEngine platform;
    • Offering the QA and support team assistance whenever issues arise;
    • Adhere to best practice development standards (such as continuous integration and deployment);
    • Discussing business requirements along with the Team Leader, Business Analysts, Project Managers, and other parties involved;
    • Ability to understand the complex technical architecture;
    • Ability to manage multiple priorities, commitments and tasks.


    • At least 5+ years’ experiences with ASP.NET 4+ Frameworks and .Net Core +;
    • Good understanding and experience with relational database systems (MSSQL Server, PostgreSQL);
    • GIT, CI/CD practices;.
    • Strong knowledge of OOP, SOLID principles, and design patterns;
    • Experience with multi-thread programming;
    • Experience using containerization technologies (Docker) and orchestration technologies (Kubernetes);
    • Experience implementing and using message queues (Kafka, Rabbit MQ);.
    • Hands-on experience writing unit tests;.
    • Experience with distributed caching solutions (Redis);
    • Knowledge of n-tier applications, distributed applications;
    • Ability to manage multiple priorities, commitments and tasks;
    • Good reading and writing English are a must and good listening and speaking English are a plus.

    We'd love to see:

    • Strong knowledge of C#;
    • Experience with building and managing microservices, parallel and asynchronous programming design patterns;
    • Experience with building REST APIs and self-description services (ex: Swagger);
    • Experience with Log Systems: Grafana, Kibana;
    • Experience with modern software development life-cycle;
    • Development experience with web services;
    • Self-motivated and result-oriented;
    • Excellent communication skills (oral and written);
    • Analytical mindset;
    • Team player.


    • 年假 22 天,工龄每多一年加 2 天,封顶 32 天。
    • 上班时间:12:30 - 20:30


    • wechat: bWF0Y2xvdWQ=
    • email: amludG9uZy5saXVAb3V0bG9vay5jb20=

    ✋🏻 隔壁有前端招聘职位: https://v2ex.com/t/1068420

    3 条回复    2024-08-30 05:37:44 +08:00
       21 天前 via iPhone
       21 天前
    @nikenidage1 如果可以的话,那就太感谢了~
       20 天前 via iPhone
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