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Calibre 给 kindle 同步设置邮箱一直提示报错

  •   loulijun · 8 天前 · 306 次点击

    下载 Calibre Mac M 系列芯片版本,设置给 kindle 的分享邮箱一直提示失败,怎么设置都不行,是否有解决的办法?基本上都提示 SMTPServerDisconnected: Connection unexpectedly closed

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre/gui2/wizard/send_email.py", line 236, in test_email_settings File "calibre/utils/smtp.py", line 178, in sendmail File "polyglot/smtplib.py", line 36, in init File "smtplib.py", line 255, in init File "smtplib.py", line 343, in connect File "smtplib.py", line 405, in getreply smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected: Connection unexpectedly closed

    Log: connect: to ('smtp-mail.outlook.com', 587) None

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