rainy3636 2014-12-13 18:33:45 +08:00 1
Reficul 2014-12-18 17:03:51 +08:00 via Android
暴雪家的还是别用代理了吧。。。邻居犯错,被连坐了都不带解释机会的。而且客服各个是我爹,态度好差=-- |
Reficul 2014-12-18 22:42:32 +08:00
Greetings, * * * NOTICE OF ACCOUNT CLOSURE * * * A user of this account has recently been involved in actions deemed inappropriate for Diablo III. The account action detailed below was made after a thorough investigation of the situation as a whole. Though we are unable to discuss the outcome of our investigation due to privacy concerns, rest assured that this incident has been looked into very thoroughly and appropriate action taken on all accounts involved. Account Action: Account Closure Offence: Unapproved Third Party Software A third party program is any file or program that is used in addition to the game to gain an unfair advantage. These programs may increase movement speed or teleport heroes from one place to another beyond what is allowed by game design. It also includes any programs that obtain information from the game that is not normally available to the regular player or that transmit or modify any of the game files. 后面的的就不贴了=-=应该是都一样的。那会不知道为啥心血来潮上去看看,卖了卖包里的垃圾。想着到时候剁手新版本。因为好久没上了,延迟又很感人,临时用了27的免费试用和网易UU。最后延迟无法解决就洗洗睡了,第二天看见一发邮件。 扪心自问没开过挂,用过插件。至于申诉么,大概就是我们重新查看过了,无误。申诉到最后,你这个账号咱不讨论了,我是你爹! 幽默的是,现在暴雪还天天给我这个邮箱发广告,唉~ |