yangff 2015-02-01 23:06:40 +08:00 via Android ![]() ah bh ch ...是高位啊。。。
xieyudi1990 2015-02-01 23:11:09 +08:00
感觉 "new byte registers" 指的是 AL, BL, CL, DL, DIL, SIL, BPL, SPL, R8L - R15L.
意思应该是 AH BH CH DH 和 上面这些不能同时在一条指令里引用. 没玩过x86_64, 但我翻了下手册, 结合上下文应该是这个意思. In 64-bit mode, there are limitations on accessing byte registers. An instruction cannot reference legacy high-bytes (for example: AH, BH, CH, DH) and one of the new byte registers at the same time (for example: the low byte of the RAX register). However, instructions may reference legacy low-bytes (for example: AL, BL, CL or DL) and new byte registers at the same time (for example: the low byte of the R8 register, or RBP). The architecture enforces this limitation by changing high-byte references (AH, BH, CH, DH) to low byte references (BPL, SPL, DIL, SIL: the low 8 bits for RBP, RSP, RDI and RSI) for instructions using a REX prefix. |
xieyudi1990 2015-02-01 23:12:58 +08:00 ![]() Byte Registers: AL, BL, CL, DL, DIL, SIL, BPL, SPL, R8L - R15L
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bcxx 2015-02-01 23:13:09 +08:00
@hazard 指 r 开头的那些寄存器吧, 这里的意思应该是指在 64 位下的那些 extended registier 也是只能访问到一个字节(我乱说的,别当真) 应该是和寄存器拓展长度有关的. http://stackoverflow.com/a/1753618
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yfdyh000 2015-02-01 23:13:50 +08:00 ![]() 在64位模式,将限制指令存取字节寄存器,指令不能同时使用传统的高字节(比如AH, BH. CH, DH)和新的字节寄存器(比如RAX寄存器的低字节)。-- http://baike.baidu.com/view/809.htm
yangff 2015-02-01 23:16:31 +08:00 via Android
反正就是r**那票64位的寄存器的低位不能和他们的高位一起ref。。 |
yangff 2015-02-01 23:17:57 +08:00 via Android
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hazard OP 明白了 谢谢各位!