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[招聘贴...] App Annie 寻找 ing - Sr. Web Front End Engineer

  •   appanniebj · 2015-12-02 16:25:16 +08:00 · 1428 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3231 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    App Annie 是全球最大的移动应用战略决策平台,为开发商与发行商提供开发、销售和投资应用需要了解的全部信息。超过 80 万应用使用 App Annie 追踪其表现,超过 40 万移动应用专业人士(包括 94%的 100 强发行商)依赖 App Annie 帮助其做出明智的商业决策,这些企业包括 Electronic Arts 、 Google 、 LinkedIn 、 LINE 、微软、耐克森 (Nexon)、雀巢、三星、腾讯、 Bandai Namco 、环球影业 (Universal Studios) 和道琼斯 (Dow Jones)。 App Annie 是一家私有的跨国公司,总部位于美国旧金山,在阿姆斯特丹、北京、伦敦、纽约、首尔和东京等全球 12 个城市设有办公室。公司已从 e.Ventures 、 Greycroft Partners 、 IDG Capital Partners 、 Institutional Venture Partners 和 Sequoia Capital 筹集到了 9400 万美元的融资。
    The Role
    We are seeking a talented front-end web developer to build web applications and software dashboard interfaces for App Annie. Your interfaces will be used by the top app publishers around the world though our different free and paid products. You will be integral to the team working directly with engineers, UI/UX Designers and product teams.
    Your responsibilities will include
    o Working closely with PMs, UI/UX designers and back end engineers on new features for App Annies industry-leading analytics dashboard.
    o Provide input into designs and functional specifications.
    o Improve and optimize the code and design.
    o Testing cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility for inconsistencies.
    o Providing accurate timing estimates on work.
    You should be a talented Front End developer with enough experience to hit the ground running. Ideal candidates will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive HTML/CSS/JavaScript development experience and will be able to get up to speed quickly.
    o Ability to work in a team environment, from making pixel perfect sites that meet the design requirements to integrating code with the back-end development team
    o A minimum of 2 years of web development experience, knowledge of Django is a plus
    o Strong knowledge and experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    o Knowledge of Angular.js, Backbone.js, D3 and Gulp is a big plus
    o Experience in responsive implementation is a plus
    o Comfortable working with templates in server-side technologies, knowledge of Python is a plus
    o Ability to write scalable, maintainable, testable code
    o Good level of English to communicate in an international environment
    o Experience working with version control systems such as GIT and SVN
    o Experience working in a startup environment is a plus
    o ============================投递方式============================
    o 发送中英文简历至 [email protected], 简历名称:渠道-申请职位-姓名
    o ============================关注我们============================
    o 网站: http://www.appannie.com
    o 微博: http://e.weibo.com/appannie
    o 博客: http://www.appannie.com/blog/
    o 职位: http://www.appannie.com/appannie/jobs/
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