这是一个创建于 3123 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
Here are all the details:
My excel file:
9 sheets, 111 columns 8788 rows each.
Actually most of the cells are blank (let's say whe have about 3000
cells filled)
Anyway the workbook will be progressively filled, up to 2millions
cells filled.
I am running my script on windows Vista Home and on Sun Solaris 5.9
times (Vista Home)
xlutils.copy() (on_demand = True) : 42.940000 seconds
xlutils.copy() (on_demand = False) : 39.146000 seconds
times (Solaris 5.9)
xlutils.copy() (on_demand = True) : 02 mins 42.486900 seconds
xlutils.copy() (on_demand = False) : 02 mins 29.924702 seconds
versions (both vista and solaris):
Python 2.5.4
xlutils 1.3.2
xlrd: 0.7.1
xlwt 0.7.2
1 条回复 • 2016-06-08 19:37:00 +08:00
mengzhuo 2016-06-08 19:37:00 +08:00 via iPhone
import time start = time.time() // ..... print time.time() - start