身为免费用户,我没有太多要求,毕竟一个月我可能发不够 10 封邮件,但第一封测试就报“ 550 ip frequency limited.”实在不能忍,于是乎提交工单。 这是客服的回复:
Thank you for contacting Mailgun!
Domains such as qq.com and 126.com have very high throttling limits, sometimes as much as 1 or 2. Here is an article on sending to QQ.com.
Whether you have a dedicated IP or a shared IP you will still be running into issues sending to them.
提供的那个网址里写的有 Whitelisting is available, but only open to companies with a Chinese business license and China-based IPs.
独立 IP 看来也是一样的跪啊,,,在想是换用国内服务还是直接注册个小号用 SMTP 发得了
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TimePPT 2016-09-24 09:55:07 +08:00 via iPhone
国内 sendcloud 国外 mailgun ,邮件发送是个磨人的活,调优很漫长呀
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TimePPT 2016-09-24 20:40:00 +08:00 via iPhone ![]() @qqmishi 不建议用个人邮箱发业务型邮件,容易被封,就注册个 sendcloud 吧,也有免费额度