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[实习] [App Annie] 招聘 UIUX Intern 交互设计实习生,坐标三里屯

  •   appanniebj · 2017-01-04 19:32:44 +08:00 · 1578 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2824 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    App Annie 提供可靠的应用数据与分析,帮助企业在全球应用经济中取得成功。超过 50 万人士已成为 App Annie 的注册用户。公司总部位于美国旧金山,拥有 425 名员工,在全球设有 15 个办公室。截至目前, App Annie 已筹集到了来自 e.Ventures 、 Greenspring Associates 、 Greycroft Partners 、 IDG Capital Partners 、 Institutional Venture Partners 和红杉资本等投资者的 1.57 亿美元融资。详情请访问 www.appannie.com/cn

    What do we need?

    You ’ re a champion of consistency, quality, and efficiency.
    You have the knowledge and understanding of user interface design and patterns for effective interaction design.
    BA/BS degree in Design (e.g., interaction/industrial design, visual communications, HCI, CS) or equivalent practical experience
    Practical experience and/or strong fluency with front-end development (HTML, CSS).
    (Ex. You're smart and are able to prove it (e.g. you ’ ve got a degree(s) in Computer Science, Business Administration, Econometrics, HCI/UX Design).)
    To include at the end of this section: Energy and creativity are key characteristics that describe you and the projects you lead. You make it happen. Boom!

    时间要求:每周至少实习 4 天,能连续实习 4-6 个月
    实习津贴: 180-200/天


    发送中英文简历至 [email protected], 简历名称:渠道-申请职位-姓名


    网站: http://www.appannie.com
    微博: http://e.weibo.com/appannie
    博客: http://www.appannie.com/blog/
    职位: http://www.appannie.com/appannie/jobs/
    Ours: http://www.prnewswire.com/news/app+annie
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