之前都还是好好的,升级到 10.12.4 Beta 就出错了,错在 "URL of front document" 中的 URL 这个变量. 本人小白, 大神请轻喷.
on run {theURL, parameters}
-- Copies URL of the current tab to the clipboard
-- Requires Alfred PowerPack
tell application "Safari"
set theURL to URL of front document
set the clipboard to theURL as string
end tell
set input02 to (theURL as text)
#do shell script "/usr/local/bin/you-get -p /usr/local/bin/mpv ' input02' &"
do shell script ("/usr/local/bin/you-get -p /usr/local/bin/mpv '" & input02 & "'")
return theURL
end run