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[ 厦门 ]硅谷上市美资外企招 Senior ios Engineer,月薪 20-30K.

  •   Dana117 · 2017-03-14 10:06:50 +08:00 · 1978 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2910 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    加入厦门铃盛软件有限公司( RingCentral ):
    厦门铃盛软件有限公司成立于 2011 年,是一家正处于高速发展的先进技术企业,拥有来自 BAT 以及世界各大名校的技术精英, 研发团队实力雄厚。
    公司总部位于美国硅谷,同时在全球 14 个办公室设有研发销售和呼叫中心,目前已拥有超过 300,000 的企业级用户,被全球最具权威的 IT 研究与顾问咨询公司-----Gartner 公司评价为全球统一通信即服务行业中的领袖,并入选《福布斯》美国地区 100 家最值得信赖企业榜, 目前市场占有率连续 3 年稳居北美第一。
    RingCentral 的产品集合高清语音,传真,短信,电话会议,视频会议及协同办公等功能,帮助企业用户轻松实现移动办公, 让沟通永远在线。

    感兴趣的小伙伴们请发送简历至 hiring.xiamen@ringcentral.com 并注明来自 V2EX ,如果身边有合适的朋友可以帮忙推荐,成功有奖金~

    Sr. iOS Engineer
    The expectation:
    We are looking for a Sr. iOS engineer who has deeply mastered the up-to-the-trend design models and patterns of iOS application design, and deep-to-the-core understanding of iOS system, very extensive hands-on experience in designing sophisticated iOS application and driving the implementation. You should also be an expert of Objective-C development skills, and should be able to resolve tough technical issues. You are also expected to be able to smoothly communicate and articulate the technical design and key technology, so that the teams can clearly understand and implement the design. You should also be very knowledgeable about the industry and key players, technology trend.
    Job description:
    - Create the solutions for iOS application, and design components and key technology.
    - Implement key code and components.
    - Review the software design and implementation done by the team.
    - Resolve tough technical issues.
    - Effectively communicate and articulate the design and technology to the management and engineering teams, so that all can clearly understand and follow.
    - Review code and advise for optimization and code quality improvement.
    Requirements and technical skills:
    - BS+ degree in CS, software engineering or relevant majors.
    - 5+ years of experiences in developing applications using C++/Objective-C, and at least 2 years of in-depth Objective-C development experience.
    - 2+ years of software design experience as a technical lead, and a key contributor to some important software.
    - Familiar with modern design patterns and models.
    - In-depth understanding of iOS system, the core and resource management.
    - Expert in Objective-C development and very rich hands-on experience, and able to demonstrate elegant design and coding.
    - Expert on popular iOS development tools and libs and source code management system like SVN, SVCS.
    - Skillful in using UML for software design.
    - Good written and oral English communication skills. Ability to hold effective conversations with developers/architects, etc.
    - Great passion to the software development and technology.
    - Quality oriented mind-set
    Preferences and Plus
    - Familiar with Agile/Scrum process and experienced working in a scrum development environment.
    - Ability to manage heavy code merges.
    - Experience as a key contributor working in world-class company like Google, Yahoo, QQ, Alibaba, Baidu, etc.
    - Key contributor to major innovations.
    - Active participant in IEEE or other technology organizations.
    - Popular iOS apps published in Apple App Store.

    链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1QCxSO 密码: a77h
       2017-03-14 10:24:22 +08:00 via iPhone   ❤️ 1
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