Uncle bob 最近写了一篇博客回应Grady Booch(UML 设计者之一)在 twitter 上的提问"How does the presence of neural nets impact the dev lifecycle?": 训练神经网络是一种编程吗? 目前来说不是, 更像一种'黑科技', 它的背后可能有科学, 但这种科学还不是很严格.
Is training a neural net programming? The answer to that, at least at the moment, is clearly “ No ”. Training neural nets is something of a black art. There may be a science behind it; but that science is not particularly rigorous yet. Training a neural net is nothing like programming. It is not the enumeration of transitions into a finite state machine. Rather, it is an attempt to find enough events to present to the neural network, and a corresponding attempt to measure how appropriately the neural net behaves. And it is that last measurement that is the most fraught with uncertainty and danger.
Grady Booch 最近在 TED 有过一次关于 AI 的演讲, 有兴趣的读者可以点此观看: Don't fear superintelligent AI
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2009 年 MartinFowler 关于 FeatureBranch 的博客, 在使用 Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS)时, 该采取怎样的流程保证多人同时开发并减少 merge 的痛苦? 本文对比多种分支管理 /合并方式, 结论:
读读阮一峰老师的 DNS 原理入门, 通俗易懂.
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shawnxwang 2017-03-19 09:42:10 +08:00
文章有很多语病。让人读起来很费解,如:“本文列举了典型的面试中的错误”,中“不要因为紧张, 没有想清楚解决方案就仓促的开始编码”也是错误吗? 推荐改成“本文列举了典型的面试中应该注意的问题”。还有一处明显错误:“ IFFT ” 应为“ IFTTT ”。 还有其他地方就不一一列举了。
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shawnxwang 2017-03-19 09:44:41 +08:00
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ninjadevops OP @shawnxwang
多谢指教! 正在努力捡回中文语法. “不要因为紧张, 没有想清楚解决方案就仓促的开始编码”也是错误吗 => 是的, 这是面试中的错误. "Instead of trying to put some code on the whiteboard, spend that time in figuring out the solution" |