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http://lxr. Linux .no/ Linux 不能用了吗

  •   killeder · 2018-05-14 09:25:22 +08:00 · 3482 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2477 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    http://lxr.linux.no/linux 报如下错误: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, lxr@linux.no and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at lxr.linux.no Port 80

    4 条回复    2018-05-14 10:39:46 +08:00
       2018-05-14 10:06:18 +08:00

    LXR Welcome to lxr.linux.no -- the Linux Cross Reference
    Welcome to lxr.linux.no LXR (formerly "the Linux Cross Referencer") is a software toolset for indexing and presenting source code repositories. LXR was initially targeted at the Linux source code, but has proved usable for a wide range of software projects. lxr.linux.no is currently running an experimental fork of the LXR software. Browse the code These are the browsable source code repositores at lxr.linux.no:
    Linux 2.6.11 and later
    Linux 2.5.0 - 2.6.11
    Linux 0.01 - 2.4.31
    coreboot (current tree)
    coreboot v2 (formerly LinuxBIOS v2)
    coreboot v3 (formerly LinuxBIOS v3)
    Mac OS X Darwin/xnu
    LXR Source code For the interested, the source code is available as a git repository at git://lxr.linux.no/git/lxrng.git. Not all of the functionality present in mainline LXR is available in this version, and the documentation is unfortunately rather sparse. Don't hesitate to contact lxr@linux.no with any questions, though. Thanks Perl, CPAN, PostgreSQL, Xapian and Excuberant Ctags are invaluable components of the lxr.linux.no infrastructure. Additionally, Redpill Linpro AS generously provides the hardware and network connectivity required. About lxr.linux.no is provided as a non-profit service to the public in the hope that it is found useful. It is herded by Arne Georg Gleditsch in his spare time. What's new
    The freetext search index for the Linux kernel is currently in the process of being rebuilt, as it has suffered some form of corruption. The freetext search functionality will be absent or spotty while this happens, but at least the server errors that some of you have reported lately should be gone now.
    A badly timed hardware malfunction brought lxr.linux.no offline for several days. Thanks to the folks at Redpill Linpro for bringing the server back online -- apologies to everyone else for the interruption of service.

    A couple of rather embarrasing cross-site scripting holes have been plugged. Thanks to Dan Rosenberg and Moritz Naumann for bringing them to my attention.

    Reindexing is now complete for all repositories. The Ajax interface has been made the default for Gecko-based and Opera browsers. The navigation interface can be changed by clicking Prefs in the upper right corner.

    lxr.linux.no has had its operating system upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04, and the LXRng software itself has been updated to the most recent version. The currently running version is tagged as v1.2, and requires an index rebuild. This is still pending for some repositories, but should be complete in a day or two.

    Problems concerning a change of ip address unfortunately left lxr.linux.no unavailable for (at least) the past day or so. As they say, we apologize for the inconvenence. Things should be back in working order now, but if you experience connectivity-related issues please holler.

    Thanks to Ahmed S. Darwish and Fred Koehler, there are now actually two step-by-step guides to choose from for anyone wanting to try out LXRng under Ubuntu 7.10. Ahmed S. Darwish has published a guide on his blog, while Fred Koehler contributed the following document. A big thank you to both of them.
    The original LXR software by the LXR community, this experimental version by lxr@linux.no.
    lxr.linux.no kindly hosted by Redpill Linpro AS, provider of Linux consulting and operations services since 1995.
       2018-05-14 10:25:11 +08:00
    @1yndonn3u 下一级就打不开了,比如 Linux 2.6.11 and later
       2018-05-14 10:36:56 +08:00
    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, lxr@linux.no and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at lxr.linux.no Port 80
       2018-05-14 10:39:46 +08:00
    打不开 报错了
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