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  •   ZJYuno · 2018-12-14 15:26:43 +08:00 · 637 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2122 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Accentiv'(雅智捷)隶属于法国艾登瑞德集团,原雅高服务( Accor Services )。艾登瑞德集团于 2010 年 7 月成功在泛欧巴黎证券交易所挂牌上市( EDENREDAC - Euronext Paris )。是全球著名的 CRM 领导者以及关系行销咨询与实施专家。

    热招职位: (简历发至: [email protected])

    高级 java 开发工程师
    Java 开发 - team leader
    高级 BI 开发工程师
    .net QA

    JAVA 高级开发 JD:

    1. 参与公司项目相关的技术方案选型,架构设计与系统详细设计,编写相关设计文档。
    2. 负责项目基础架构开发、维护与培训、文档等工作,评审开发人员代码,指导开发解决相关技术难点。
    3. 担负新技术的研究,选型以及培训、文档化等工作。
    4. 监控与优化现有项目,攻克大数据量、高稳定性、高并发带来的各种挑战。
    5. 与团队内部各个保持沟通,提供基础架构相关的问题解决答疑;
    6. 参与产品未来研发方向讨论,规划和把握项目研发架构。

    1. 计算机本科及以上或同等学历,5 年以上互联网以及相关行业开发与架构设计经验。
    2. 精通 Java 语言, 对底层 Java 技术有深入的了解。
    3. 精通 Spring boot, Spring Cloud,以及其他常用开源框架技术;有微服务,SOA 架构相关的设计与研发经验.
    4. 熟练掌握 SQL Server/MySql/Oracle/PostgreSQL 等主要数据库与优化技术,有一定的 NoSQL 相关的研发经验。
    5. 熟练掌握大型分布式系统相关的技术架构,如 Nginx, Keepalive, Redis, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Elasicsearch 相关技术等
    6. 熟悉大数据行业相关技术,Hadoop, Hbase, Spark 等( nice to have )
    7. 熟悉 Linux 或 Unix 下的高可用架构,了解 Docker, Kubernetes 等相关容器技术.
    8. 有一定的 CI/CD 与 DevOps 经验。
    9. 有较强的责任心和工作积极性,对新技术敏感、善于钻研和乐于沟通与分享。

    BI 开发 JD:

    BI Engineer ’ s mission is to design, implementation and production of the business intelligence and reporting solutions to our internal and external clients.
    BI 工程师的主要使命是设计、实施 BI 和报表方案给到我们的内部及外部的客户。

    • BI Engineer ’ s main tasks including:
    • BI 工程师的主要工作包括:

    • Development and programming of analytic database models, ETL processes, BI reporting layer, and ad-hoc data analysis
    • 开发数据库模型,数据 ETL,BI 报告和数据分析

    • Familiar with popular BI Tools, such as Power BI,Tableua,BO,Cognos,informatica,kettle, etc.
    • 熟悉并会使用主流 BI 开发工具,如 Power BI,Tableua,BO,Cognos,informatica,kettle 等

    • Develop and run report and related application or plugin as per business requirement
    • 根据业务要求开发和运行报告、相关的应用或插件

    • Support data modeling and analysis, data mining to find out the trend/problem
    • 支持数据建模和分析、数据挖掘来发现趋势和问题

    • Analyze problems and solve problems
    • 分析和解决问题

    • Bachelor degree or above in computer science;
    • 计算机或相关专业,本科及以上学历

    • At least 4 in Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse roles developing enterprise SQL reporting databases, business intelligence dashboards and reporting solutions
    • 至少 4 年以上的 BI/DW 角色开发 SQL 报表、控制面板和报表解决方案的经验;

    • 4+ years of experience in MS SQL (2005/2008/2008 R2, 2012) Server with SSAS, SSRS and SSIS for development and operations of a data warehouse or data mart
    • 至少 4 年以上的 MS SQL 上开发和运维数据仓库 SSAS,SSRS,SSIS 的经验

    高级项目经理 JD:

    Senior Project Manager ’ s mission is to deliver IT service with high quality to client within pre-defined scope, resource and schedule.

     Ensure providing a high quality level of support to business units, while respecting the allocated budget the forecasted planning initially made.
     Join the meeting with client, Responsible for research of customer requirement, prepare the requirement document and make sure the document meet client ’ s demand; provide IT technical solution and estimate the workload and quotation.
    参加客户会议,客户需求调研,整理需求文档,确保需求描述与客户要求一致;向客户提供 IT 技术解决方案,并做出相应的工作量评估和报价。
     Once project or change request is confirmed, Request resource from team manager, architect, test manager, business support manager according to the project scope. Define delivery date with business department based on the assigned resource. Sign startup letter with business department and finish the project with high quality.
    项目或者变更立项时,需要根据项目范围,向部门经理,架构师团队,测试经理和业务支持经理,申请必要的资源,并根据当前资源情况,确定项目交付时间,在得到业务部门同意的情况下,签署 Startup Letter,并且需要确保在约定的周期内,高质量的完成项目。
     Make the overall and stage plan according the project scope, quality, time and cost. List the detail tasks and organize resource to accomplish.
     Send out project status report regularly, timely estimate the risk of project, prepare solutions accordingly. Report to your supervisor when meet inextricable problems.
     Make sure all the process and activities of a project follow the QA standard.
    确保项目过程和活动,均符合 QA 规范。
     Follow and audit the delivery of team member throughout the project lifecycle
     Responsible for the communication plan with client and within team, mare sure all team members have a clear project objective, the same understanding, smooth communication and a clear role and responsibility.
    定制项目组内外的沟通计划,保证项目组 目标明确,理解一致,沟通顺畅,职责明确。
     Arrange reasonable tasks to team member, find and solve all kinds of problems happening to the team timely.
     Motivate and improve the cohesion of team.
     Get involved in the company's pre-sale project support, proposal preparation and presentation, customer visits and help the company to pitch the client successfully.
     Other missions given by the company.

     Bachelor degree or above in computer science;
     At least 2 years ’ software development experience;
    至少 2 年以上的软件开发经验;
     At least 4 years ’ experience on project management. Retail CRM relative project experience is a plus;
    至少 4 年以上的项目管理经验;有零售行业 CRM 项目实施经验的优先考虑;
     Have some technical background on J2EE or .NET platform and database;
    对于 J2EE 或.NET 平台,以及 SQL 数据库有一些技术背景;
     Have project management experience, understand the project management process, PMP is a plus;
    具有丰富的项目管理经验,理解项目管理流程,拥有 PMP 证书优先考虑;
     Good communication skills (listening / probing, writing, speaking);
     Consulting experience is a plus;
     Experience of managing either program or complex project is a plus;
     Good customer service skills.
     Strong desire to learn, develop and excel, humble, responsible, great potential to grow with the organization;
     Good English capability in both writing and conversation;
     Self-initiated, motivated, reliable, independent, and target driving.

    .net QA JD:


    1. Be involved in each phase of products/projects building, including requirement analysis, development, test, deployment and maintenance.
    2. Discuss with Product/Project Managers to understand system requirements, planning.
    3. Work with developers to test and ensure good quality of delivered solutions based on Microsoft platform (c#, SQL Server etc.).
    4. Investigate issues, debug and fix code defects and deliver packages.
    5. Write and maintain technical documentations (analysis, APIs, operations guide)
    6. Keep monitoring the processes to make sure pre-defined processes are well complied.

    Candidate Profile:

    1. Bachelor degree or above in computer science or equivalent.
    2. At least 3+ year ’ s software test experience, especially on Microsoft platform
    3. Good sense of quality assurance in each process of software lifecycle.
    4. Proficient in the use of automation test tools against different test target, e.g. UI test, API test, Performance test.
    5. Be responsible, self-initiated, motivated, reliable, independent, and self-driving.
    6. Good communication skills (listening, writing, speaking);
    7. Good practice of read/write/speak in English.
    8. Strong desire to learn, develop and excel, humble, responsible, great potential to grow with the organization.
    9. DevOps experience is a plus.
    10. Security/Penetration test is a strong plus
       2018-12-14 16:39:28 +08:00
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