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爱彼迎中国的目标是重塑 Airbnb 的全球产品,我们不仅会对现有产品提出新的想法并做出改进,还会打造符合中国用户文化习惯的全新产品。
目前在北京招聘支付方向的后端研发工程师,需要至少 6 年以上工作经验及支付背景。工作地点朝阳区东三环环球金融中心,感兴趣可投递简历至 yolanda.wang@airbnb.com 。
About The Team
In China, international travel spend is already greater than the US and growing much more quickly. China is an important part of our Airbnb global community and the travel network we have built globally has positioned us to provide Chinese guests with unique travel experiences and help them belong anywhere.
We are now looking for Back-end Software Engineers to join the payment team to build technology that powers Airbnb ’ s massive daily transaction volume to collect payments from Chinese guests and distribute payouts to world-wide hosts. Our goal is to make the Payment experience for Chinese travelers as delightful, magical, intuitive, and easy as possible.
We are looking for Back-end engineers with:
1. Exceptional ability to work anywhere in the technical stack, delivering quality code on the backend.
2. Exceptional proficiency using Java. Experience with React is a plus.
3. Fluency in any backend server language, and expertise in relational databases and schema design.
4. Strong motivation to drive impact by making product improvements.
5. Strong analytical thinking, experienced with making product decisions based on data and A/B testing.
6. Proactiveness, good communication and fast learning.
7. Interest in working in a very cross-functional team that touches many of the core systems and user flows at Airbnb.
2 条回复 • 2019-07-10 09:40:43 +08:00
nvioue 2019-07-10 08:35:45 +08:00
支付背景和 java 是必须的嘛