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echart 甘特图问题,求求大佬们帮忙看看

  •  1
  •   nate375 · 2019-10-14 15:47:49 +08:00 · 759 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1820 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    我对 echart 并不是很了解,由于项目需要,被赶鸭子上架,请问大佬们,为什么这里不能写成 baseTime += 64 * 1000 * 60 呢,测试必须要是小时的整数倍才能画出图。

    // @ts-ignore Date.prototype.Format = function(fmt) { var o = { "M+": this.getMonth() + 1, "d+": this.getDate(), "H+": this.getHours(), "m+": this.getMinutes(), "s+": this.getSeconds(), "S+": this.getMilliseconds() }; //因为 date.getFullYear()出来的结果是 number 类型的,所以为了让结果变成字符串型,下面有两种方法: if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) { //第一种:利用字符串连接符“+”给 date.getFullYear()+"",加一个空字符串便可以将 number 类型转换成字符串。 fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); } for (var k in o) { if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) { //第二种:使用 String()类型进行强制数据类型转换 String(date.getFullYear()),这种更容易理解。 fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(String(o[k]).length))); } } return fmt; }

    function formart(date) { const d = date ? new Date(date) : new Date(); // @ts-ignore // return d.Format("HH:mm:ss"); return d.Format("HH:mm"); }

    //const day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;

    var data = [];

    var dataCount = 10; var types = [{ name: 'JS Heap', color: '#7b9ce1' } ];

    var categories = [ 'categoryA' ];

    var today = new Date(); today.setHours(0); today.setMinutes(0); today.setSeconds(0); today.setMilliseconds(0); //console.log(today.getTime()); // var startTime=+new Date(this.formart(today.getTime())); var startTime = today.getTime();

    // Generate mock data // @ts-ignore echarts.util.each(categories, function(category, index) {

    for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
        var typeItem = types[Math.round(Math.random() * (types.length - 1))];
        // var duration = 3600000;
            var baseTime = startTime;
         var duration = 1;
            name: typeItem.name,
            value: [
                baseTime += 60 * 1000 * 60,
            itemStyle: {
                normal: {
                    color: typeItem.color
        // baseTime += (day * (Math.random() * 3 | 0))


    data.forEach((item, index) => { item.value[1] = formart(item.value[1]) //'2019-08-0' + (6 + index + 1) item.value[2] = formart(item.value[2]) //'2019-08-0' + (6 + index + 2) })

    function renderItem(params, api) {

    var categoryIndex = api.value(0);
    var start = api.coord([api.value(1), categoryIndex]);
    var end = api.coord([api.value(2), categoryIndex]);
    var height = api.size([0, 1])[1] * 0.6;
    var rectShape = echarts.graphic.clipRectByRect({
        x: start[0],
        y: start[1], // - height / 2,
        width: end[0] - start[0],
        height: 10
    }, {
        x: params.coordSys.x,
        y: params.coordSys.y,
        width: params.coordSys.width,
        height: params.coordSys.height
    const result = rectShape && {
        type: 'rect',
        shape: rectShape,
        style: api.style(),
        styleEmphasis: {
            textStroke: null
    result.style.text = "sdfdsaf"
    result.style.textFill = '#000'
    result.style.textStroke = null
    // result.style.textOffset = [0, -10]
    result.style.textPosition = 'top'
    return result


    option = { tooltip: { formatter: function(params) { return params.marker + params.name + ': ' + params.value[3] + ' ms'; } }, title: { text: 'Profile', left: 'center' },

    xAxis: {
        boundaryGap: false,
        data: Array(24).fill(0).map((item, index) => {
            return formart(startTime + 1000 * 60 * 60 * index)
    yAxis: {
        data: categories
    series: [{
        precision: '2',
        type: 'custom',
        renderItem: renderItem,
        itemStyle: {
            normal: {
                opacity: 0.8
        encode: {
            x: [1, 2],
            y: 0
        data: data


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