想用 Fluent UI React 库写个站,Github 上面给了两个文档链接:
就连组件库也有两个版本:@fluentui/react @fluentui/react-northstar
zhenly 2020-06-07 11:25:55 +08:00
可以看看这个 https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui/issues/13381
> @fluentui/react version 7 is what used to be known as Office UI Fabric React. It's widely used in Microsoft products and some outside. @fluentui/react-northstar (sometimes also called Fluent UI React v0) is what used to be known as Stardust and is mostly used by Microsoft Teams and Teams add-ins. They're in the same repo because we're working on converging them. 简单来说就是之前微软不同产品的两套不同的版本的 UI,目前正在合并,官方是建议使用 @fluentui/react |
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marcosteam OP @codehz 已经把正确的链接已经补上了,不过我也看到了 Github 上面有人已经说了文档混乱的问题