以下为猎头职位,合作北京、上海、HK 、USA 多家国际一线量化私募,投资产品股票衍生品以及数字货币。
本行业薪资有很大空间,远超 Intel 华为 BAT 等软硬件企业。福利全方位覆盖,而且工作生活能较好平衡。
欢迎各行各业的朋友们踊跃咨询,这是我的联系方式: [email protected] 或请直接联系我 v: ArcoDeTriunfo
除了金融行业,其他可转入行业有:芯片行业、编译器相关、BAT 数据集群等高性能研究团队。
唯一硬性要求:教育背景优秀或工作经验优先 二选一。
FPGA Engineer
What You’ll Do
- Work within the FPGA development team to roll out new hardware to the trading community
- Interact with development teams to coordinate technology introduction
- Develop high performance FPGA systems in SystemVerilog
- Contribute to the development of productivity tooling that supports the RTL efforts
- Stay informed of industry hardware including the latest System on Chip and System in Package
- Interpret high level requirements to create exceptional solutions for the trading community
- Build your skills in the finance industry and FPGA development flows Other duties as assigned or needed
Skills You’ll Need
- Passion for development, strong work ethic, and drive to continually learn and improve
- Hands-on FPGA development successes, taking ownership of significant systems and subsystems
- Sound understanding of technology tradeoffs, and a pragmatic approach to problem solving
- At least 3+ years of experience working as a FPGA development engineer in a team environment
- At least 3+ years of RTL experience (SystemVerilog/Verilog/VHDL)
- At least 2+ years of experience of software development
- Quantitative appreciation of low-level hardware/software interaction
- Degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science or related subject
- Reliable and predictable availability
Bonus Points
- Linux experience
- Scripting Language proficiency (preferably Python)
- High Level Synthesis flows
- Familiarity with some of Jenkins CI, Github, ctypes, SWIG
- Experience of Automated testing
- Embedded Processors
- Networking (Ethernet, TCP/IP, IB)
- Financial Protocol and Algorithmic Experience
- High Speed Networking / Serial Protocols / Transceivers / PCIe
异构 /高性能
1.有 In-network computing 开发经验;
2.深刻理解操作系统,分布式系统,熟悉网络架构、深入理解 IT 基础设施领域,如服务器、网络设备的技术和架构,可以进行项目的独立部署、高可用架构和性能优化,熟悉开源社区解决方案;
4.有强烈的责任心,geek 、敬业精神,乐于在挑战性强、节奏快的环境下工作;
6.有大型分布式高可用系统构建经验者优先考虑;有 XPU 或 ACAP 经验优先
7.有异构系统加速开发 /实施经验者优先考虑。
1.熟悉计算机系统结构,了解 x86_64 处理器核心及 SOC 结构,熟悉主流服务器的 NUMA 架构,AVX2/FMA 等扩展指令;
2.熟练掌握 GNU 编译调试工具链,具备面向 OS/CPU 软硬件结合的高性能低延迟低抖动程序开发能力;
3.熟练掌握 Linux C/C++高性能编程(多机多进程多线程),有一定的 Linux 平台 debug/profile/tuning 经验。
加分:1.Linux 内核开发调优经验;
2.cython/boostpython 混合语言开发经验;
3.python/c++ TB~PB 级大规模数据处理经验;
4.MPI/infiniband/RDMA/RoCE 高性能分布式计算系统开发经验;
5.CUDA 高并发计算程序开发经验;
6.Torch/TF 等分布式 DL 框架开发调优经验;
7.TCP/IP Socket 开发调优经验。
2.熟练掌握 C/C++/Python 开发;
3.熟悉深度学习框架,如 PyTorch 等;
4.熟悉深度学习算法:如 CNN 等。
2.熟悉 DSL, 有相关编程模型实现经验;
3.熟悉 HLS 开发以及优化;
4.熟悉编译原理,熟悉编译优化,有 LLVM 开发经验;
5.熟悉深度学习编译器开发,比如 TVM 。