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RF Modules for Smartphones

  •   poppyyuny · 2022-11-07 15:00:58 +08:00 · 332 次点击
    这是一个创建于 701 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    We all know that the experience of a smartphone depends on the SoC mobile platform it carries, which in turn consists of CPU, GPU, ISP, NPU, and Modem (baseband, also known as Baseband) and other units. If you ask who is affecting the Internet speed, latency and stability of a smartphone when surfing the Internet? I believe that the answer of many friends is the baseband. However, the baseband is not the only thing that affects the network performance. The radio frequency + antenna module is also the behind-the-scenes hero that allows the mobile phone to surf the Internet. In theory, a complete RF module contains "RF + antenna", but for ease of understanding we split them into two parts. If you are interested in the antenna design of mobile phones, you can refer to "The baseband is not enough for 5G mobile phones! Antenna design also has to do surgery! "In this article, we will focus on the RF module in this article. Let's start with Huawei mobile phones Last year, Huawei launched a series of new 4G mobile phones, including Mate 40 4G, Mate X2 4G and nova 8i (equipped with Snapdragon 662), which are much cheaper than the starting price of the 5G version.

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