外置了 U 盘插入,相册的导入无法看到 U 盘中的相片/视频,请问这个功能是阉割了嘛?
我是了 3 台手里的 Iphone 都不行,分别是 Iphone15Pro/iphone13Pro/iphone13, 是不是我的操作姿势不对?
当然 U 盘中文件还是可以复制到 iPhone 中没问题的,说明 U 盘没问题,iPhone 也没问题。
Fish1024 2023-11-10 23:48:57 +08:00
没阉割。前段时间 iPhone 13 Pro 刚导入了。刚开始的时候不行,插拔几下就 OK 了。如果 文件 app 里面能看到 u 盘,也可以在文件 app 中选择图片后选择 存储图像。
ZE3kr 2023-11-11 00:26:30 +08:00 via iPhone
图片放在 DCIM/100MYCAM 文件夹里,图片文件名也改成 IMG_0001 格式看看。
https://discussions.apple.com/thread/252518922 这里有人回复过: Requirements for importing photos from a USB flash drive into the Photos app on an iPad or iPhone The USB flash drive must contain a DCIM folder and another folder inside of that folder which is where the image files must be located. I named the subfolder 100NCD90 which was the name of a subfolder on a camera SD card I had. It appears that any 8-character name will work as long as the first three characters are numbers. For example, 100AAAAA works. The image file extension must be jpg, not jpeg. The file name needs to be 8 characters with the last 4 being numbers. The first 4 can be numbers or letters or underscore. For example, DSC_0001 and IMGP0001 both work. |