269 天前
我尝试扫描 ITIN 那张白纸了,验证不通过,收到以下信息:
Follow the tips below for successful identity verification when you retry:
Use your legal first and last name that matches public records and as they appear on your U.S. driver license or state ID card.
Provide your accurate Social Security Number (SSN) (Tax ID numbers are not eligible).
Use your physical home address (not a P.O. Box).
If requested to submit your ID, ensure that you submit a valid U.S. driver license or state ID card issued in the U.S.
You must be at least 18 years old to use Apple Cash.
在其他地方还没有看到有人用 ITIN 验证成功 Apple Cash 的 DP ,楼主可以分享更多吗?